Monday, October 20, 2008

Change Database Password For SAP

Changing Password for Database Users Using BRCONNECT

As of Release 6.10, you can use BRCONNECT to change the passwords for the database users SAP, SYS, or SYSTEM.

By using BRCONNECT, you will have the password for SAP encrypted before storing it in the database.

You can either change the passwords with BRCONNECT interactively or by using the command line.
1. Start BRCONNECT with the command:

brconnect [-u system/] –f chpass –u

2. Enter the new password twice for confirmation.


When you change the password interactively, on some platforms you can enter the new password hidden, as long as it is no longer than eight characters.
Using the command line

Enter the following command:

brconnect [-u system/] –c –f chpass –u –p


is the password of the SYSTEM database user. You can use another user with DBA privileges.

is the database user for which the password should be changed (for example, SAP).

is the new password for the user.


If you omit the -u option, then the logon occurs using SYSTEM with its default password.

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