Saturday, January 31, 2009

What is the difference between a Transport Domain and a Transport group?

one of my friend ask me this question and here i am sharing my views on this question:

Transport domain and transport group does not having relationship.transport group is concern with transport directory not with transport domain.

The SAP system containing the same transport directory are
called to be in same transport group.That means in your
three system landscape is having individual directory
concept then there are three transport group in your system
landscape. and if you are having concept of common transport
directory in your system landscape then there is one
transport group in your system landscape.

Whereas a Domain Controller is the one box or SID which
would control the transports going in from DEV to TEST and
to PROD. Also the TP command is run from the domain

Gagan Deep Kaushal

Friday, January 23, 2009

How To Change Title of SAP Transaction Code ?

Hi All,

Sometimes, you may need to change the Title of the SAP Transaction code to a more meaningful one.

The steps are as follows:

Goto tcode SE63 ,On the top left Menu of the screen - Click Translation ---> Short texts - --> Transactions

For example, assuming you want to change the title of the t-code su10 from user maintenance: Mass changes Initial Screen to Mass User changes . On the first screen, fill in the following information:

Transaction code - SU10

Source Language - English

Target Language - English

To change the Title, click the Edit button. On the second line (the one in dark yellow), type in the Title (For e.g. Mass User changes) you want for the transaction code. Click the Save button

Now, call up the transaction code /nSU10 again and you should be able to view the new Title.

Basis Team

How to send a message to a specific user in sap?

Hi All,
Some-times we need to send a specific message to specific user in SAP which is not possible by using SM02..SO here is the trick to do it :

Use function module TH_POPUP
goto Transaction code SE37 enter the function module name & test run it
the the resulting screen is shown below, type the details and execute.
The user must be logged into the system to receive the message


Gagan Deep Kaushal

How to Lock or Unlock a Client in SAP ?

Hi All,

Here i am writing the procedure to lock amd unlock a client in SAP,very rarely we need to use it..But stil u should know so follow these simple steps...

1) To lock or unlock a client in R/3 System, run the following function modules in

transaction se37

2. SSCR_LOCK_CLIENT ( to lock the client)
3. SSCR_UNLOCK_CLIENT (to unlock the client)

Run these functions with a client input which is to be locked/unlocked. This function set flag '' Client is locked temporarily for client copy" in client maintenance menu.The client will be available for users DDIC and SAP*. If any other user tries to login, system gives message that ' Client locked temporarily'.

To unlock the client

1. Run transaction SE37
2. Enter the function module as SSCR_UNLOCK_CLIENT
3. press F8 or test run (single run).
4. Specify the client and execute(F8).

Follow similar procedure for locking the client...

Enjoy ........

Gagan Deep Kaushal

How to Reset Buffers in Sap ?

Hi Friends,
Some-time its needed to reset some buffers in SAP For performance issues So here iam sharing the differnt buffer cleanup T-codes.
But Keep n mind Resetting of the buffers could change the performance of the entire system
/$DYNP - reset the screen buffer of the application server
/$SYNC - resets the buffers of the application server
/$CUA - resets the CUA buffer of the application server
/$TAB - resets the TABLE buffers of the application server
/$NAM - the nametab buffer of the application server

Gagan Deep Kaushal

How to find sap transaction codes

Hi All,

How to find SAP t-code incase you are not sure exactly about t-code

How to find sap transaction codes :

1) Goto transction search_sap_menu enter the context or the purpose of the t-code
like "User maintenance"

2) Second option in T-code SE93

Gagan Deep Kaushal

Difference Between SAP_ALL and SAP_NEW

Hi Friends,

Most of the times you might have question in your mind that why you give sap_all and sap_new everytime we create admin user (Altough some people used to give sap_all to every one ).So here i am sharing my knowledge about differnce between these 2 :

SAP_NEW is a SAP standard Profile which is usually assigned to system users temporarily during an upgrade to ensure that the activities and operations of SAP users is not hindered, during the Upgrade. It contains all the necessary objects and transactions for the users to continue their work during the upgrade. It should be withdrawn once all upgrade activities is completed, and replaced with the now modified Roles as it has extensive authorizations than required.

SAP_ALL is a SAP standard profile, which is used on need basis, to resolve particular issues which may arise during the usage of SAP. It is used by Administrators/Developers only and is applied on a need to use basis, then withdrawn. It contains all SAP system objects and Transactions. SAP_ALL is very critical and only SAP* contains SAP_ALL attached to it in the production system. No other dialog users have SAP_ALL attached to them.

SAP_NEW is used in the Production environment during a version upgrade whereas SAP_ALL shouldn't be or not allowed be used in Production except where necessary, in a controlled manner with all proper approvals from the customer.

Gagan Deep Kaushal

How to List All the T-codes For a Role in SAP ?

Hi All,

Here I am sharing the procedure more-over its a trick to get all the t-codes from a Role.

To find all tcode for role along with the tcode that are present in the tcd field.. goto se16 enter agr_1251 and click on data browser button
enter the role name in agr_name field and enter tcd in FIELD field
Then click on execute button or press F8 to execute and you will see the list of tcodes for that role

Gagan Deep Kaushal

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Oracle Expertize

HI All,

Here i am sharing the steps i follow to patchset Oracle from to and activate Oracle enterprise manager

1) Activate OEM in SAP
emca -config dbcontrol db -repos create
Then Provide info as it ask
emctl start dbconsole
then point your browser at http://Srevr_name:5500/em

Note :386413 enterprise manager configuration oracle
592393 - FAQ: Oracle
355770 - Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control
105047 - Support for Oracle functions in the SAP environmt

2) Note 871096 - Oracle Database 10g: Patch sets/patches for 10.2.0
Note 839187 - Oracle Database 10g: Patch set installation
Note 509314 - Downloading Oracle patches from SAP Service Marketplace
Note 839182 - Oracle database 10g: OPatch
Note 1137346 - Oracle Database 10g: Patches for Release

3) Download Patchset From Service Market Place
509314 - Downloading Oracle patches from SAP Service Marketplace====IMP
Sap Provide Patch in .bin format (Here i waste My full Day)
To get the original zip-file back, use the following commmands for:

UNIX cat aa.bin ab.bin ... >> .zip
Windows copy aa.bin /B + ab.bin /B + ... .zip
4) Now run runinstaller for Patchset before that shutdown DB and all services

5) Post Upgrade Steps:Database upgrade from Release ->
When you upgrade a database from Oracle Release to, you need to adapt the Oracle Dictionary to the new Oracle version during postprocessing. In this case, catupgrd.sql must run in accordance with the defaults described in the patch set documentation.

dbua -silent -dbname $ORACLE_SID -oracleHome $ORACLE_HOME -sysDBAUserName sys -sysDBAPassword bandhan6 -recompile_invalid_objects true


emca -upgrade db


6) Apply Opatch :Displaying the OPatch version
% opatch version

Displaying the online help
% opatch -help

Displaying the online help for a certain command
% opatch -help
= apply, rollback, lsinventory, util

Displaying the Oracle inventory (see below)
% opatch lsinventory [-all][-detail]

Installing a patch (see below)
% opatch apply

Uninstalling a patch (see below)
% opatch rollback -id

That's All but you can face different problems while following this so ping me AnyTime:

Gagan Deep Kaushal

SAP T-Codes

Hi All ,

Here I am sharing List of T-codes that can help you lot in case you are facing some

1) SWU3:RFC destination warning in workflow custom. check Automatic Work Flow Customizing

2) SUCOMP : User Company Address Maintain

3) STZAC: Customizing Time-Zones

4) SWF_XI_CUSTOMIZING:Automatic Work Flow Customizing For XI

5) SXMB_ADM:Integration Engine Administration

6) SOST :SAPConnect Transmission Request Overview With Log

7) SMSY: In Solution Manager To Define System

8) DSWP:In solution Manager To Check EWA / MOPz

Some Useful Unix-Command

Hi All,

Here I am listing Som useful Unix-Solaris command that can help you while administrating SAP with this combination:

1) /usr/sbin/prtconf | grep Memory To Find Memory

2) To Check th eValue of Variable rlim_fd_cur
adb -k /dev/ksyms

rlim_fd_cur/D *** This will display the current value

ctrl-D *** This quits you out of the debugger.
3) usermod example - Add a existing user to existing group
Add existing user tony to ftp supplementary/secondary group with usermod command using - a option ~ i.e. add the user to the supplemental group(s). Use only with -G option :

# usermod -a -G ftp tony

4) Change existing user tony primary group to www
# usermod -g www tony

5) Make is located at /usr/ccs/bin/make or you can download related
version of make pkg from this freebe location.
6) rsh target_host -l username date :To check rsh is working or not

7) prtdiag to get system information

8) psrinfo to get cpu-count

9) isainfo to get system architecture

Gagan Deep Kaushal

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Kernel Update On Unix

Does SAP make available some where a real procedure
for NetWever 7.0 ABAP stack only KERNEL UPGRADE ?

A lot of people have questions ? answer are even available... but still... even experienced
basis admin having trouble now with Kerne Upgrade

Here I am Sharing My Experience To Upgarde Kernel On Unix!

1) stopsap
2) clean shared memory
3) saposcol -k
4) ps -ef|grep sapstartsrv
5) kill
6) cleanipc
7) lsnrctl stop
8) backup your kernel
9) cd /sapmnt/
10) cp -pr exe exe.001
11) extract new kernel
12) cd exe
13) SAPCAR -xvf
14) Start saposcol
15) startlistener
16) startsap

That's all but still sometimes there are some issues and all of you are welcome to share your views.......

Gagan Deep Kaushal

Sunday, January 11, 2009

!!!Back To Action!!!

Hi All,

!!Namaste !!

Its a long time actually i was busy with my project and Its about to Go-live. So lots of pending task is there as I am alone handling all basis activities. Hope all of you are enjoying your life with SAP.
From last 45 days I have not taken any holiday, its continues working of daily 12 to 18 hrs. Tough, isn’t it? Not so much, because I am enjoying my work like anything!!

Even I worked sleepless for 48 hours ....At that time you may feel bad but it’s really Enjoying once everything is over!

!!24 Hour of Stress!!

1) First major blow on my head is for 24 hr as I started some transports at evening 08:00 PM which was sized around 2 GB ....(Tough time starts)......In the morning same process was going on and i was shocked and inform my manger ...Let’s wait till 12.
SO now its 3 PM and everyone is losing his patience .Simply they come to me and ask when it’s going to be over?????? I have no idea so I told.............

Now time starts Tring-Tring-Tring

Different People Different ideas! Kill This Transport!! What the hell you are doing!! 18 hours!!!!You don’t know anything!!! !!Who told you to do this!!

But Thanks to My seniors and management because it’s finally completed at 07:30 PM with general warnings. Thank God it’s Over....Otherwise they can kill me at that time!!

2) Time to start installation for Application server I ran Pre-requisite test done Ok. Start installation!! What’s this JAVA_HOME not found????? Why? I have installed supported version only!! No problem let’s check on OS level ...Hmm its working fine here also .......Time evening 06:00 PM cal OS team please and I asked them to install one lower version...But still same error!! NO YAAR
So now Again Start TRING TRING TRING ....Why u did not try with latest java????Sir it’s not supported by JAVA....Then I am sorry it’s too old.
Let me check oh JAVA is not ok I will get back to you soon ...He never came back!! :)
Oh you guys every time disturb us don’t you know which version is working fine...???Sir same version is working fine for all the servers.But I don’t know why...and one more thing I did not design SAP application and JAVA so Please stop blaming and help us if you can.....Phone disconnected!!GUD
Finally OS team Reinstall everything again Morning 4:00 AM please check now.....Same Problem Now WHAT? Raise the same To SUN team…

Finally they came back to us and provided a solution in the 12:00 PM .OS team started work and then it's done till evening 08:00PM.

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA These 2 incidents I can never forget.........

Hope you also have same stories from your sites!!! :)
Gagan Deep Kaushal